
The Objective

Personality System

An Online Course with Jonah Dempcy

Once a Week for 10 Weeks

Every Monday at 9 AM Pacific, 6 PM Europe

Starting June 17, 2024


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Satisfaction Guarantee

If you find out this class isn’t for you for any reason, your full payment amount will be credited to the next class, and you can keep auditing until you find a class you like!

This system is the ultimate outcome of Jung’s Psychological Types (1923), the culmination of 100 years of the study of human personality. Whether you have a background in Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, Human Design, astrology, or are deep diving into the human psyche for the first time, the Objective Personality System has the power to change your view of yourself and others forever.

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Meeting Info

Meeting Once a Week via Zoom

80 Minutes Each Session

(50 Minute Talk + 30 Minute Q&A)


10 Sessions Total

Every Monday

June 17 - August 26


9 AM Pacific

(12 PM Eastern, 6 PM Central European Time)

Some of the issues we explore...

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Observers vs. Deciders

Are you an Observer or a Decider? Are you afraid of getting stuck, or afraid of being judged?

Gatherers and Organizers

If you’re an Observer, then you either panic when there aren’t enough options, or when you haven’t narrowed down to a single option. You may be well-balanced with Self-Other issues but tormented by problems with things, which lead you to either gather new all the time or to shove away the new and stick with what’s familiar.

Collaborators and Individualists

If you’re a Decider, then you either work to perfect the self, without valuing the beliefs of others, or you give weight to the beliefs of others to the point of overextending and not investing enough in yourself. You either have a story of what you’re allowed to do, but nobody recognizes, or else you double down on what you’re not allowed to do because others prevent you—and often don’t see how much you do “for them.” OPS can help you own these tendencies and grow to a more balanced Self—Other perspective.

Feeling vs. Thinking

Are you a Feeling Type or a Thinking Type?

Feelers are responsible for the vibe. They feel anxious when people aren’t on the same page. They work to either get people in sync, or leave disharmonious situations so they can be back in sync in their own lives. If you’re a feeler, you have very low tolerance for being out of sync with someone.

However, you may have nearly infinite tolerance for patiently solving problems and getting things done. The thing is, you won’t feel much sense of urgency to get things done. It’s all a trade off. These are deep evolutionary aspects of the psyche that developed over thousands of years.

If you’re a Thinker then you have a strong push to get things done. You feel anxious when they aren’t done, and you use that stress to motivate you to get them done, not resting until they are finished.

So, which one are you? Are you responsible for the vibe, or responsible to get things done?

Of course we all do both. But we are tuned to one, and the other can be invisible. We can defer it and assume it will take care of itself. We can misunderstand people who prefer the other side—if we’re a Thinker, we might not really understand how anxious it makes Feelers to be out of sync. If we’re a Feeler, we might not understand how much the Thinker feels a need to fix things and get them working.

It can seem like, since everyone has elements of both, that it’s just a spectrum and some people are in the middle. This is not the case. These are fundamental binaries. In Objective Personality, we call them coins. We explore this plus ten other fundamental dichotomies.

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The 13 Coins...

Observer or Decider?

Do you have thing problems or people problems?

Introverted or Extraverted Decider?

Do you tell a me-story or a we-story? Do you leave the tribe behind or drag them into things?

Introverted or Extraverted Observer?

Do you narrow down or gather more? Do you panic with to many or too few options?

Sensing or Intuition?

Do you prefer clarity or understanding?

Thinking or Feeling?

Are you stressed when things aren’t done or when people are out of sync?

Sleep or Play?

Do you internally process or work things out as you go? Do you think aloud?

Consume or Blast?

Do you take in enough for yourself, or are you always overextending yourself for others? Do you narrow down and organize what you know, or are you addicted to new?

Information or Energy Dominant?

Do you respect your energy levels and share information in swings? Or do you communicate regularly but let all the tasks build up until you have to do them all at once?

Introvert or Extravert? (Cross check.)

Not one of the main coins, but a cross-check for the previous one—Do you shut down and withdraw, needing the tribe to kick you into communicating or acting? Or do you explode into furious activity, wearing out yourself and others?

Masculine or Feminine Sensory?

Do you have a strong sense of space and time or a richly visual imagination?

Masculine or Feminine Extraverted Decider?

Do you flower and soften your speech to carefully not offend others, or are you blunt and straight from the hip?

Flex or Friends?

Do you seek to be #1, the best, at the top, legendary? Or do you seek to learn from others, care for others, move for others?

Generalize or Specialize?

Do you have a strong sense of ownership of all aspects of a process, or do you delegate, doubling down on your own skillset in an effort to attain mastery?

What You Get

10 weeks of live courses (15-20 hours).

A 61-page PDF covering all aspects of the Objective Personality System, written especially for this course.

Class materials including worksheets and graphics to help you learn this system.

Any transcriptions and future OPS course materials that come out of the class.

Study groups and watch parties.

One on one or small group help in determining your own OPS type.

Help with typing others (with their permission) and developing the skills so that you can confidently assess type.

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What To Expect

A Message from Jonah

The Objective Personality System has given me an essential and irreplaceable perspective on the world. It informs my understanding of the human psyche and deepens my understanding of such systems as Human Design and the Enneagram of Personality.

Having studied this system for 7 years, it is my pleasure to now, for the first time ever, share my love of Objective Personality typing with the world. I’ve been hard at work building this course and practicing small group sessions, and now I’m finally ready to present this information in a formal manner.

If you take this class with me, I will show you what patterns to look for and how to type yourself and others, whether for personal growth or to add to your professional repertoire. Additionally, I will do my best to help you arrive at an accurate typing assessment for yourself, and anyone else you’d like me to type. I truly believe this information is life changing and am excited to share it with you!

I hope to see you in June ~
