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The Centers

An Online Course with Jonah Dempcy

Featuring Michael Stenbæk Litven

Once a Week for 10 Weeks

Every Monday at 10 AM Pacific, 7 PM Europe

Starting November 6, 2023


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For alternate payment methods or if you have any questions about the class, please contact Jonah.

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Each Center is a world unto itself. Each Center can make us feel like nothing else exists, like that Center is the only thing in the world and nothing else matters. Living as ourselves means resisting this totalizing capacity of the Centers and embracing our multidimensional, multifaceted nature.



Meeting Info

Meeting Once a Week via Zoom

80 Minutes Each Session

(50 Minute Talk + 30 Minute Q&A)


10 Sessions Total

Every Monday

November 6 - January 15


10 AM Pacific

(1 PM Eastern, 7 PM Central European Time)

What To Expect

A Message from Jonah

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Each week we will explore a different topic related to the Centers and how we can understand them both in practical analysis and at a deeper level. My guest-host Michael Stenbæk Litven will be joining us for all 10 courses to offer his own insights into the Centers.

This course is designed so we have plenty of time for hands-on chart analysis and keynoting for the attendees. In addition to the main sessions, we will have extra study groups, office hours, and happy hour meet’n’greets to all have a chance to get to know each other better and deep dive into chart analysis.

My goal in offering this course is that you can come away from it with a whole new set of tools for analyzing bodygraphs, adding new techniques and levels of analysis to your repertoire that you can use immediately to gain a deeper understanding of your own chart as well as those of friends, loved ones and clients in a professional capacity.

I hope to see you in November ~
